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Exploring Practices for Operating Cherry Pickers on Tracks

Cherry pickers, also known as aerial work platforms, are indispensable tools in various industries, allowing workers to reach heights safely and efficiently. When operating cherry pickers on tracks, whether on construction sites, maintenance projects or other industrial settings, prioritising safety is paramount. It is essential to provide thorough training to operators and conduct regular equipment inspections to ensure a secure and productive work environment. In this post, we’ll explore the best practices for operating cherry pickers on tracks to ensure the safety of operators and those working around them.

Understanding Cherry Pickers on Tracks

Cherry pickers on tracks offer stability and mobility, making them ideal for navigating rough terrain and uneven surfaces. Unlike their wheeled counterparts, tracked cherry pickers distribute weight more evenly, reducing the risk of tipping over on challenging surfaces. However, operating these machines still requires adherence to strict safety protocols to prevent accidents and injuries.

Best Practices for Safe Operation

Before operating a cherry picker on tracks, conduct a thorough pre-operation inspection. Check for any signs of damage, leaks or malfunctioning components. Inspect the tracks, hydraulic systems and safety features such as guardrails and emergency stop buttons. Address any issues promptly before proceeding.

Ensure that operators receive comprehensive training and certification in operating cherry pickers on tracks. Training should cover equipment operation, safety procedures, hazard recognition and emergency protocols. Only certified operators should be allowed to operate the machinery to minimise the risk of accidents due to operator error.

Be sure to conduct a site assessment before deploying a cherry picker on tracks. Identify potential hazards such as overhead obstacles, uneven terrain, power lines or soft ground. Clear debris and obstructions from the work area to prevent accidents during operation. Ensure that the ground is stable enough to support the weight of the cherry picker and the load it carries.

Operators and workers in the vicinity of the cherry picker should wear appropriate personal protective equipment. This includes helmets, safety harnesses, high-visibility vests and steel-toed boots. PPE helps mitigate the risk of injury in the event of a fall or other accidents.

Before ascending in the cherry picker, ensure that the work platform is securely attached to the boom. Check that all locking pins and safety latches are engaged properly. Verify that the platform’s capacity is not exceeded, and never overload the equipment with excessive weight or personnel.

Adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines and recommendations for operating the cherry picker on tracks. Familiarise yourself with the equipment’s specifications, operational limits and maintenance requirements. Avoid making modifications or alterations that could compromise safety or void warranties.

Establish clear communication protocols between operators, ground personnel and other workers on-site. Use hand signals, two-way radios or other communication devices to coordinate movements and convey important safety information. Ensure that everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities during cherry picker operations.

Keep an eye on weather forecasts and environmental conditions when operating cherry pickers on tracks. Avoid operating in high winds, thunderstorms or other adverse weather conditions that could compromise safety. Cease operations if weather conditions deteriorate or pose a risk to personnel and equipment.

Be Prepared When Operating Cherry Pickers On Tracks

Operating cherry pickers on tracks requires diligence, attention to detail and a commitment to safety. By following best practices such as conducting pre-operation inspections, providing thorough training, assessing work sites and using personal protective equipment, operators can minimise the risk of accidents and ensure a safe working environment. 

Remember, safety should always be the top priority when operating cherry pickers on tracks, protecting both workers and the integrity of the job site. That being said, if you have recently purchased or hired a cherry picker on tracks from Tracked Access, or maybe even if you are thinking about getting your hands on a cherry picker on tracks, please visit our website to find out more about the safety around cherry pickers on tracks. 
Should you have any further questions, then we encourage you to contact us directly by phone on 0330 332 0714 or by emailing us at [email protected]. Once we have received your inquiry, we will get back to you promptly with the answers to your questions, as well as a guide on how to secure your required cherry picker on tracks and how to operate it safely at all times.

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